Blooming eyes is a personal illustration series that reflects on the fear of being watched
and the anxiety caused by social media exposure. The eyes peering from natural surroundings. This is the second collection around the concept.


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By the gravel path, lilies, petals dry, jaundiced white.

By the lilies, red wilting coneflowers, a plot of bloodshot eyes, unlashed.

And by the dark, soft pupils of yellow daisies, purple pansies blinking sunlight.

Zoom in: each naked, surveilling seedhead a compound orb, geodesic dome,

ommatidia filtering pigment, mosaicing sense. Zoom out:

behold, implants threaded in patches of grass, meticulous green field of vision.

Verdant, vigilant: violet irises wide, even the soil flecked with looking glass.

Poem by Sasha Stiles
